Friday, October 21, 2011


The thing is I get lost sometimes.

Lost in a world of technology and communications.

This afternoon I was lost in one such world.

Yeah it was work and definately not play, nevertheless I was still lost in it.

Working on my computer is not best done in the cafe of my Church S21, because within five minute I will be engaged in conversation with someone or other or something or other.

Richard came and sat with me with his bowl of freshly made soup and his cup of hot tea.

So there we were.

Both of us sitting around a trendy alluminium table on trendy alluminium chairs. Me with my treasured computer, a treasured work tool, and Richard with his bowl of soup and cup of tea.

Richard is homeless and is fighting every day for warmth food and alcohol. Every day is a struggle for survival. Here he was with something treasured more than any computer, a bowl of steaming soup.

I am not homeless.

Here I was wrapped up in preparing a series of talks I have to do around the UK over the next few months.

Two people.

Same building.

Same table.

Two very different worlds.

As I watched Richard put the first spoonful of soup in his mouth, I saw him kind of close his eyes in an expression of sheer joy. He had found some food and he badly needed it.

It was sweet moment in the middle of a hard life for him.

Suddenly I felt our two worlds collide.

I was trying to carry on with my work while he was eating.

But I felt God ask me to lay down the computer and step into Richards world with him just for a while,

He needed to talk, to experience human contact just as much as he needed the soup.

And I think I understood just a little bit more that scripture that says, "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15: 13)

So laying down your life of course means literally that, and many throughout history have done that, and there is no greater love that. But I also think this laying down also includes laying down your own life for a second or two to help someone in need or take some sort of action to make someones life much better.

I also think we should rediscover or improve the art of laying things down for others.

It is a vital element of the mission of God.

So what are you doing right now? (Apart from reading this!)

Is there someone who could do with  touch from God throough you right now?

Is there someone who needs you right now?

Then let your two worlds collide.

Its a love thing.

And there is no greater love than this.

Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...