Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tears of a Jeremiah

Speak this word to them: "Let my eyes overflow with tears night and day without ceasing: for my virgin daughter, my people, has suffered a grievous wound, a crushing blow." (Jeremiah 14: 7)

My mobile phone rang this morning.

I kind of wish it hadn't.

A very alarmed voice on the other end was the bringer of bad news.

One of the homeless guys that are part of our community at S21 in Durham was struggling to get his words out.

He told me that Ian, a guy in his forties who came in regularly had been found dead.

My heart just took a dive.

Ian came in regularly for some warmth and some food and drink. he hung around with another homeless guy called Richard. They went everywhere together and even shared a doorway to sleep at night. they had both recently gone missing for three months, in fact the police came into S21 asking if we had seen them recently as they were listed as missing.

But one afternoon they just walked into our building as if nothing had happened.

They had walked to Scarborough from Durham, about 100 miles or so, as they said, "to see the sea."

I had taken a shine to both these guys.

They are amazing.

Yeah they are dirty, have nothing but a tin opener, knife, mug and tent, and are both addicted to alcohol, but boy I could sit and listen to their stories for hours.

Ian had not had a chance really.

He told me he had been abused all his life, which left him angry and bitter. That anger eventually put paid to his family, his job and any prospect of a future. he turned to alcohol which in turn took a hold of his life. This completed a downward spiral that saw him sleeping rough and life became a daily grind to search for the means to get the alcohol he desired to feed his addiction.

about three weeks ago he came into S21 nd his face was a mess.

H had either fell down drunk, or he had taken a beating .

he couldnt remember which.

I sat with him then and asked him if he wanted to change his life around. He turned his head, a messed up head, and said, "Gaz I do want to so much, but I just can't."

I remember I was angry with alcohol. Angry that yet again it has gripped another beautiful life. yeah I hear an uncompassionate world saying it was his choice, his fault, but if they heard this guys story? I think the world would think again.

But today? It probably claimed his life.

Way to early.

Richard his friend, had to go an identify the body apparently, and I fear for him. another amazing life in danger.

In fact today I am upping my prayer for those vulnerable people who live on the edge of alive.

Writing this in the silence of one of the prayer rooms  S21, I cry the tears of a Jeremiah who, like God, would weep over a nation.

I weep over a nation that largely walks on by the homeless and the broken.

I weep for Ian and Richard and those who for whatever reason have nothing, they live in despair and lack of hope.

Its sad today that another person has died so young.

Ian suffered immeasurably, rejected by a world that had no time for him.

He was rejected and despised.Then left to die alone.

Ring any bells yet?

Yeah, I weep today the tears of Jesus who knew exactly how Ian felt. Jesus knew him, loved him, hung around with him, wanted the very best for him, treasured him.

Ian couldn't seem to see that.

But, I rejoice in the fact that he did experience God's amazing love through the kindness of a Church who loved him, did have time for him and showed him the practical love of a saviour.

And there lies the mission heart of Christianity.

Acceptance, love and compassion.

I challenge the church today, all of us who say we are part of it, to let those things course through our veins.

I challenge us to not be afraid to weep the tears of a Jeremiah that would weep over a nation.

Because from those tears flows action, flows love, flows the Spirit of God, flows mission.

Massive blessing all over your life today.

Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...