Monday, December 31, 2012


Tonight is the night that we can consign the year 2012 to history.

At midnight, time will sweep us into a new year.


I'm writing this at 20.15 on the last night of 2012.

Personally it's been a really good year on the whole.

My best year in ministry.

And the hardest.

Dawn and I are city people.

We have lived for the last five years in a small village.

For Dawn and I that has been the hardest thing.

We both long to live and work back in a big city.

And yet?

In the face of that yearning?

We have experienced a totally extraordinary year, seeing Sanctuary 21 develop after five years of pouring our hearts and souls into developing S21 from scratch, spending hours building relationships, building a team, building a prayer rhythm, opening our arms totally to those who are struggling. We've thrown everything we have at it in the name of Jesus.

But this year.


We've seen some astonishing development in the very young life of S21.

We have seen God at work. We have seen him in the brokenness of the many people who come to S21 who are living out lives of true hardship, including the injustices of homelessness and marginalization. We've seen lives restored, we've seen breath-taking transformations. We've seen a community develop before our very eyes, glued together by love. We've seen tears, we've seen laughter, we've seen, to be frank, miracles taking place.

I have learned so much about God and about myself in 2012.

I've learned to be more patient, I've learned to be way more steely-eyed in leadership. I've learned to be utterly strong.

2012 has been a tough year, but when I look back at it tonight, I feel like some necessary work has been done in my life.

So at midnight I step over into a new year.

I believe God has new things in store for Dawn and I in 2013.

I feel deep inside it is going to be a pivotal year in our ministry. I really can't qualify that statement or give you a reason why, lets just say there is an anticipation there. However God gave me a scripture to share with you guys tonight.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."(Joshua 1:9)

For those who are maybe unsure about what 2013 will bring, be strong and courageous for God is with you.

For those who maybe have had a tough 2012 and aren't looking forward to 2013 be strong and courageous for God is with you.

For those who know exciting things are coming in 2013 be strong and courageous for God is with you.

For those who just cannot see a way forward out of the mess you are in be strong and courageous for God is with you.

Take the treasure out of 2012, you know those things which have helped shape you, but consign the last year to your history.

A fresh start is there for you.

Fresh starts needs courage and strength and a desire to go forward.

Well tonight, hear the command of God, yeah, the command, it's not a suggestion, "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

So step into 2013 with that command ringing in our ears.

I pray such enormous favour on your life this coming year. I pray that God will continue to change everything for us.

Thank you for reading The Gary Lacey Files this year, the statistics for readership of my blog has been beyond anything I dare imagine. What started out as just a blog for a few family and friends to read has seen fantastic growth. I really appreciate all the responses via Facebook, Twitter, and Google plus as well as the email readership. I hope to open it up for comments direct to the blog this year, although you can do that now, it's very limited.

I wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR wherever you are, and I pray that you will truly be touched by the Spirit of God as you embark on a new phase in the journey of your life.

Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...