Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stay Strong

I've just been having a long look at my wedding ring.

I don't look at it that often. It looks as new now as it did when Dawn slipped it on my finger. It's made out of one of the hardest and strongest metals known to man.


Tungsten was discovered by Torbern Bergman in 1781. It is a hard, rare metal. It's kind of dark silver blue colour and its gorgeous when polished. It is so tough it's often used in military applications for warfare.

It's super tough metal.

It doesn't lose it's shape, it is highly durable, and will not break.

As I gazed at it this morning my thoughts quickly switched to how tough times have been lately. But more than that how pleased I am that I have so far come through it, and that I am surprised how strong I have become inside. I haven't lost my spiritual shape, my relationship with God really is durable, and my Spirit just hasn't been broken. That is a long way that I have come from the old Gary to the Gary of right now.


There is one reason.


Jesus is my steel.

My relationship with him is solid and has served to make my resolve solid.

I'm shocked how much Jesus has changed my character.

Someone gave Dawn and I a scripture the other day that has further strengthened our resolve. Acts 18: 9-10 says One night The Lord spoke to Paul in a vision. "Do not be afraid, keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you. Because I have many people in this city."

It's hard when times are tough to keep on speaking, and we so often allow our missional heart to be silent, or allow our Christian living to become silent in the sense of actually becoming inactive.

God says keep on speaking, do not be silent.

That needs steel.

That needs resolve.

The only chance we have of that kind of steel that helps us to resist whatever the world will fire at us is to be in an active, living relationship with Jesus.

This is just me I've been talking about, in the middle of a barrage of heavy artillery from things not of God, I'm still standing.

And I feel the Spirit of God say this today to the whosoever. Stay strong. Strong as Tungsten. Do not allow to change your shape or damage your durability or break you in terms of your relationship with God. Stand. Stand up for truth, for your actions, for your very life. Stand up for the truth of Jesus. For the church, God is a steel rod. An I breakable force that will endure forever. Nothing will ever in times past, times present and the age to come break the resolve of the saviour of this world. God always wins. Do not stop speaking of Him, do not be silent. Do not be immobilized, just don't allow it.


Stay strong, even in the weakest moments get our heads into scripture and pray, at all costs. Stay close to God.

He is our steel.

Our strength.

Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...