Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Time to recharge?

This week I took the opportunity to take a break.

In the middle of the furious action of life, I just needed a few days off.

And it's amazing really even what a few days can do to revitalise your body, mind and soul.

We've done the rounds of visiting family, in fact right now I am writing from Liverpool where I am staying with family for a few days.

Only a few days ago, I felt tired, frustrated, and kind of blank really. I wasn't operating how I should, the smallest of things would make my blood boil, the slightest wrong word would garner a reaction from me. I couldn't think. Then last Sunday I got up to speak at Church and I went onto a kind of auto pilot mode and went through the motions really.

I knew then I needed to stop.

To recharge.

To replenish my energy levels.

So I cancelled all my appointments that were in the diary, some of which I'd been looking forward to for ages, but it had to be done. We got in the car and drove away from the world of officership for a few days.

And it has worked.

I've had only a small break but as I say even the smallest of breaks can do wonders. My energy levels are up. My mind is in a more stable place, and I feel ready to deal with the battles ahead more lucidly. Also my inner strength in terms of spiritually is way more energised.

I guess this sounds like a bit of a random post, but I try to only write what I feel God wants me to send out there to maybe help someone.

So I encourage you if your tired and a bit burnt out, then whatever you have in the diary, whatever is going on in your life, stop.

Get away from it all for a few days.

Take responsibility for the inside of you.

Psalm 118: 14 says look to the Lord and His strength. Seek his face always.

It's difficult to do that in the eye of the storms of life.

I know.

But it's the truth.

So maybe for someone reading this simple post today, it's time to step aside and seek the face of The Lord. Shift aside the clutter of your life and make room for a kind of spiritual, mental and physical replenishment.

Be brave, just do it.

It'll work wonders believe me.

Also on an important note. To all those affected by the tragedy at the Boston Marathon yesterday, I send my heartfelt prayers and thoughts to you. I know I have readers from that amazing city and throughout the USA. I pray Gods arms of comfort around you at this time. Blessings.

Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...