Tuesday, January 10, 2017


My blog has gone on the back burner for the last ten months.

A lot has happened in terms of realigning and readjusting where I am regards my calling and my ministry.

I have had to do a severe reality check following my years as a Salvation Army Officer. I had to step out of that bubble and shake off the fallout from some pretty shoddy treatment over the years I spent there. Yet I wouldn’t want to say it was all bad because it wasn’t, and I believe God used Dawn and I to help many people in my fourteen years as an officer.

The outcome of my soul searching?

I will always be a minister.

In whatever capacity.

I have the credentials.

That’s the thing I can’t get away from.

God won’t let me, no matter how far I have tried to run from it.

All this inner examination has culminated in me leaving my job at the funeral directors which was a temporary measure, and going freelance as a speaker and a writer while conducting funerals as a freelance minister.

God is doing massive things in my life.

I am so grateful to Andrew Homes and Son in London for giving me a job which paid very well and gave me chance to see the world in a new light.

How I needed that.

To step into the pain of people who have lost loved ones, to see horrific death of people taken too young, to be able to help people to function in their time of deep need.

It helped me to see that the pain of the world really needs Jesus.

So I stepped out and said “here I am God use me.”

It is so amazing how when you step out of the security of a job and decent pay to follow what God really wants for your life how he provides. Straight away I have had bookings every week to speak or to do funerals. And the funerals have been massive opportunities to minister to extremely needy people. I have embarked on my calling to write a book which is filling the gaps between speaking engagements.

My one to one prayer ministry and counsel has led me into the lives of some very troubled people who I can speak into their respective situations and bring some comfort and help to them.

During the last two years I have fought hard.

I have fought depression, I have fought to make a living, I have fought some very strong attacks from the forces of evil.


Here I stand.

Ready to do.

Ready to fight on.

Ready to do what I can to help people.

Ready to help others discover their true identity.

Ready for anything

Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...