Monday, January 30, 2017


This morning is a rare chance to take a break from my ever increasing busy schedule.


I take a corner seat in an atmospheric coffee shop in West London and let my mind wander.

A couple of scriptures fly about in my head.

Both of them about being still.

Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46 :10)


Only be still and the Lord will fight for you. (Exodus 14: 14)

Being still is really hard.

Anyways what does it mean to be still?

To me it means just stop!

Step out for a while of the madness of life.

Sounds great on paper!

Not so easy in the real world.

Yet lately im learning this more and more.

Take my transition from the safety of ordained ministry in the Salvation Army, into a paid job for a while and now of course working self employed.

I want to share this with you because its kind of important.

The first thing I was faced with was I had to make some very difficult and brave choices (Some people may say stupid and daft!) But I remember reading Soren Kierkegaard’s take on the wheel of indecision saying basically if you don't make decisions you will go mad. He described a wheel of indecision that kept going round and round and challenging people to step of it. 

After all I'd gone through stepping of that wheel to step out pf officership in the SA, recently I was faced with leaving a secure, well paid job to develop and carry on with my call to speak. I was on the wheel of indecision again knowing I was carrying my marriage, Dawns ministry, and a secure life financially. Yet my calling is massive. And I knew I had to step off. 

So I handed in my notice. 

Just like that.

I had no clue what the future held.

I actually didn't know where the next penny would come from!

But hey.

I could not stand being on the wheel of indecision so hey I just jumped off.

Dawn and I hit the prayer room at the Sanctuary in Ealing on the first day of my new venture.

We prayed the Aaronic blessing over my business.
The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.
The Lord lift up his countenance on you
and give you peace.

We declared that the business was God's business.

The same day my trusty Blackberry passport started to ring.

Someone wondered if I could do a funeral for them.

For the three months that have followed?

My phone rings everyday with new work and new challenges.

I am working every day speaking into the lives of those who are in need.

Im being asked to speak more and more into loads of differing situations, and the Lord has showed his increase on Dawn and I.


Its pretty miraculous.

The thing about all this im sharing with you is this.

For someone today I really felt that they needed to hear this. You may be trapped in a job, a relationship or a situation that you really need to put an end to. 

Here is the thing.

Be still. 

Right now!

As hard as it is.

Stop what you are doing.

Stop fighting it.

Let the Lord fight for you.

Know that he is God.

Step off that wheel of indecision.

Don’t try and get the future taped up.

Just enjoy a new identity, a new journey.

You WILL be fine.

Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...