Thursday, November 28, 2019

Letter to hope

Dear hope

I love you.

You only have positive expectations

You accompanied me into my darkest moments even though I didn't hear, see or feel you.


You were definitely there.


I have to say thank you for offering me your outstretched hand in my time of need.

I noticed some other things about you too.

You hold all the good things that are locked into my future. You carry strength like I have never seen. You have a steadiness and a calmness that exceed anything the world could ever offer up.

I should have believed in you quicker, I wish I had taken a hold of you sooner, but I didn't.


That's the thing

you still stayed close and promised to never leave no matter what.


You never left and never will

You offer another way, another approach, another chance always.

The healing properties you carry are boundless and are medicine to the sickness darkness causes.

you offer me a way out of the darkness.

You show me opportunities not despair.

You are my companion for life and I never realised


Now I know


I know you are real and present


You are so real

I love you.

Thank you


Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...