Thursday, January 12, 2012

Greater things are yet to come!

Greater things are yet to come
Greater things are still to be done in this city.

Great line from a great song.

In fact a song that has had a magnitudal effect on me this last couple of years.

Looking at my life closely this morning I ask the question are you truly the God of this city, the city that is my life?

And for some reason a wave of excitement rises up within me.

I think where I've come from, to where I am now.

I grew up in a hard poor urban inner City jungle just a stones throw over the river Mersey from Liverpool City Centre. Seven of us crammed into a small terrace, with no bathroom just an outside toilet.

We had nothing.

I fought my way through a tough school.

I came through unscathed from the life that comes growing up in traditional Salvation Army.

I learned so much from my years working  in the ultra tense business of open heart surgery.

Here I am a Salvation Army officer.

I often think how did that happen?

So this morning I ask myself what next?

That's when those words dropped into my head.

Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done.

I was thinking all this stuff on my morning walk by the river Wear in Durham city centre this morning. I love that time. It helps me to get my perspective together before I work. As I reflected I was thinking of those areas of my life that still need cleaning up. Sometimes they seem so difficult to do anything about.

I let that thought form the content of my prayer this morning. "Lord, help me to clean up those things that need cleaning up."

As I prayed that prayer I came across a window cleaner at work. He was doing an awkward job. He was having to clean the Riverside windows of a city restaurant (See picture below). He was balancing on a big pipe,  one slip and he was going in the river, a fast flowing river that has claimed a few lives lately.

He was taking a big risk.

Just to clean up the restaurant windows.

I thought to myself how that was an amazing lesson for me.

How do I clean up those areas of my life that need cleaning up?

Those stubborn and awkward things?

It seems to me I need to take a few risks.

To get to those awkward places.

I need to ignore the danger.

Go out on a limb.

Work hard.

To keep working towards holiness.

And the best thing is.

Nothing is insurmountable.

Everything is capable of cleanliness.

And always  there are greater things.

I love it when Joyce Meyer says, "I'm not where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be."

I think that's my thinking today.

Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done.

Bless you in your journey  guys.


Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...