Monday, July 23, 2012

Amen Rising (A call to the church)

Church was so cool last night.

I got lost in a song.

A very very old song.

I got struck dumbfounded at one line in it.

"Let the amen sound from His people again."

Tears came.

Man, I couldn't get that line out of my head. I even woke up with it sounding in the morning-empty space of my mind.

"Let the amen sound from His people again."

I had a kind of prophetic blast of HD vision. A dense picture of a person shouting amen over all the nations of the world.

Who can fail to be moved, touched, angered, bothered, sickened by what took place in Aurora colorado a few days ago. A guy dressed as the joker walked into a packed cinema taking in a late night showing of "The dark knight " and started shooting. People were killed, many were injured.


Sadly not in the times we are living in.

It's happening way too often.

It really is sickening.

Evil is happening.

We live in dangerous times.

We live in times where it seems Christianity isn't really having a lot of impact.

Some Christians who I have spoken to are even giving up.

Jesus interjects at this point and says. "Hey guys I have overcome the world."

Sounds like we need an amen.

According to Wikipedia, that great resource that academics love to hate, says that an amen is a statement of affirmation.


Let the amen sound from his people again, sounds like a cry straight from the heart of Jesus.

Sounded to me last night like Jesus is challenging the church to let the amen sound from his people again.

I got this real sense last night as those words drove deep into my soul and challenged me there, that Jesus is really tired of the church faffing around.


The amen needs to come from his people, the Church.

His body, hands and feet on this planet.

An amen is a statement of affirmation.

An amen speaks hope over the nations of this world.

An amen speaks of change and transformation.

An amen speaks of another way.

An amen speaks of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Amen is more than a word.

It's prophetic and pure.

It requires action, every time we say it it should be a starting point. A turning point even.

It should be a spiritual call to arms for every Christian.

An amen rising.

Let the amen sound over Aurora Colorado. (Lord, touch that community with your hope. Bless them Jesus)

Let the amen sound over the communities where you live.

Let the amen sound over your deepest soul.

Let the amen sound over this world.

Over the lost and the broken.

Let the amen sound from his people again.


Forensic Prayer

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