Saturday, June 15, 2013

Prayer for a better me

I want to be better than I am now.

In every way.

I've come so far in the last fifteen years. 

I'm hardly the man I was.  


I want to be better.


Continue your work of transformation in my life. 

Thank you for bringing me from the ashes of a destructive life. Thank you I'm not where I used to be.


I want more. 

I want to be as loving as is possible. 

To you.

My family.

My friends.

I want to learn how to not slip backwards so much even though the slips are getting less dramatic nowadays. 

I want to be more open.

I long to be even less religious if you know what I mean, and more in love with you Jesus.

I want to reach out to even more people. I want to touch lives with your majesty and your humility all at the same time. I want to be different, even more different than I've become. I want to speak up for you in even more amazing places than you have sent me so far. Not just the event stage or in front of a congregation, but on the sofa, in the back city street, in the broken home, in the hospital, in the prison, in the night, in the day. 

I want to spend even less time worrying and talking about the Salvation Army, the church and all that jazz and just enjoy my relationship with you God. The Army is something I can't control.  

Talking of control, I want to control nothing because you're in control.

I want to be better than I am now. 


Make a better me. 

I leave my life in your hands.


Post Script

I prayed this prayer while lying on my sofa tonight just watching TV. I felt an overwhelming impulse to share it on my blog. I don't know why. It's hardly groundbreaking stuff. It even probably appears a bit random. But when I feel those strong convictions, I just do it. So for whoever or whatever  it is here for, I pray you'll be blessed. 


Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...