Sunday, September 8, 2013

Free from the ego

I was watching a Programme on TV Saturday night. 

A traditional fixture annually that we have over here in the UK.

It's called, Last night at the proms. 

Some people must like it. 

I was flicking through the channels looking for something to watch when I hit on it.

The only reason I was drawn to it was because a singer who was obviously this years chosen soloist, was singing my football teams anthem, You'll never walk alone, it made me feel a bit homesick. 

The singer was a famous opera singer from the USA called Joyce DiDonato. It was weird hearing "You'll never walk alone" sung with a wobbly voice as opposed to thousands of Scousers packed into Anfield. 

I looked the singer up on my iPad.

I read a transcript of an interview she did in a magazine. 

She was saying how she doesn't like to teach students singing techniques, but likes to give them advice. 

She said this.

"So I tell them that it’s not about us, the singers, it’s about the music. We’re just the messengers, the vessels, and the freer we can be from our own egos the more of Mozart or Handel then can come through.”

I was kind of struck by this statement. 

And I felt God switch it around in my head to a word for the now. 


This is how the statement turned over in my mind.

"So I tell them it's not about us, the Christians, its about God. We're just the messengers, the vessels, and the freer we can be from our own egos the more of Jesus then can come through."

My ego does my head in.

Always trying to muscle in on my ministry.


I've learned to push it back. 

Here's the thing.

Jesus can't be seen in us if our egos is in the house. 

That town ain't big enough for the both of them. 

An ego takes control. Wants to be top dog. Wants to crush others to get what we want. Wants to direct the path of our lives.  Wants to be in charge. Doesn't want to listen to other points of view. Doesn't have a heart or a conscience for that matter. An ego makes sure that we believe we are right all the time, we can't be wrong. An ego loves to get us in a head lock and not let go.  It traps us and imprisons us. 


When Jesus is I control. 

When Jesus controls our lives. 

When Jesus is in the house. 

We can be free of the ego. 

Then he will come through us and touch the world we live in. 


Here's that word again.

"So I tell them it's not about us, the Christians, its about God. We're just the messengers, the vessels, and the freer we can be from our own egos the more of Jesus then can come through."

Be a messenger.

Be a vessel. 

Drop the ego.

Be free.



Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...