Sunday, September 22, 2013

Healing: The bigger picture

I was talking to a girl at our Sunday service this morning.

She is an amazing girl, who has an incredible story to tell of a victory in her own life of epic proportions in terms of her conversion to Christianity from a very different religious background.

Her dad is in hospital and he has to undergo surgery tomorrow, open heart surgery to be precise. 

She is hoping for a miracle, that he would be healed even before the scheduled surgery.  

I could see her pleading heart through her eyes today. 

We talked together about the miraculous. The situation changing power of God.

I had a flashback to my own former pre-conversion life. I was suddenly in my scrubs around the operating table in a Liverpool Hospital. 

I was reminded about how I used to assist surgeons who were so skilful, I used to watch in awe as they brilliantly performed their intricate operations on human hearts.

People's lives were literally changed and saved as a result.

I used to think that was miraculous.  

People were healed from life threatening disease. 


As we talked. 

I shared with Hannah about how we can't really truly box up the miraculous healing power of God. 

We easily, and very much humanly, lay down before God what we think the outcome of the miracle we are asking for, needs to turn out like. 

The trouble is?

God's God!

In Psalm 53:2 it says God looks down from Heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.

In other words.

God sees the bigger picture.

I've seen people healed without medical intervention. I've seen people healed through the sheer dedicated skill and care of health professionals. I've seen people healed through the  selfless actions of a kind person. I've seen people healed through death. 

I could keep going with that list.


I guess we can't really define what defines healing. 


God's God.

And he sees the bigger picture. 

And that's precisely why we should trust him.

Hannah will pray for her dad relentlessly right now. 

I will too.

And we both had a sense that the miracle will happen, we expect it. How God brings that about? Is best left in trust in his hands. 


He sees the bigger picture. 

I pray this will help someone today. 


Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...