Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Winning the war

Watching the team i've followed since birth, Liverpool FC, is never dull. I've followed them all over the world during my life time. This year is gearing up to be a special year. A year we could win our nineteenth league title.
Last Sunday I watched them beat Manchester City 3-2. It was torture watching it.

Following the game our Captain, Steven Gerrard, Gave a past match interview in which when asked whether Liverpool were now in pole position to win the league reminded the reporter that we have won nothing yet.

In my head dropped this cliché.

"We won the battle today but we haven't won the war."

There have been times in the last few years particularly that i've lost battles. I've won a few too.

I'm talking about life.

The enemy wants my soul.

I know that for sure.

So every day on my christian journey I encounter battles.

I admit.

Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.


They are just battles.

The war?

Well that's a different matter.

Easter is a good time to be reminded that the war has been won already.

Even this week I lost a battle.


I reached out for the victory through repentance and found salvation.

I read Psalm 41.

Go on have a read today.

You see David in the same battle for his soul.

David sometimes lost battles.

But he knew there was a victory in the war.

Which brings me to today.

Are you in one of those battles just now?

Do you feel like your losing?

Two things to consider.

Repentance is vital.

Building spiritual protection around your soul through engaging with God no matter what is also advisable.

We may lose a few battles?

But through Jesus we will win the war.

Blessings today.

Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...