Thursday, May 15, 2014


Last week I took possession of a new innovation in mobile technology.

The Jolla phone

A phone made and launched by a group of ex Nokia employees who decided to challenge the more established operating systems and create something more open source, and something fresh.

It has a completely new operating system called Sailfish.

Its a bit glitchy.

Its lacks the vastness of apps available to more established systems.

For now!

Jolla invites you to join its journey.

They allow you to join an online community and speak into the phones development .

I was sold.

I'm not a run of the mill type of person.

So a new journey despite the glitches and lack of apps excites me.

In fact .

I'm writing this post on my Jolla Phone.

I'm sitting across the road from the Salvation Army Hall in Ealing, London. I'm watching  builders at work on the hall. 

Transformation is happening in front of my eyes.

The start of a new journey.

A new adventure.

A new future for the Salvation Army in West London

Like my Jolla phone though.

Its just a start.

The phone has a few glitches. It lacks apps. It is not in any way like the more established systems.


It has a whole new world of discovery stretching before it.

Just the way I like my Christianity.

In fact its the same for the West London Development Project.

A whole new world stretches before it.

Its a bit glitchy.

We may not have the applications the more established Salvation Army has, but we do have Jesus.

And what I love most about Jesus is his invitation.

His invite to a journey to discover a whole new world.

A world that stretches further than the eye can see.

Infinitely further.

Yeah there are glitches. Yeah there has to be frequent updates. Yeah there will be frustration.

But the joys far outweigh them.

Just think.

A whole new world.

He invites us through his astonishing grace.

Make sure you accept the invitation.

Its a journey no one should miss.

Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...