Saturday, April 16, 2016

A plea

This morning I have been hit by the risen Lord big time.

He has woken me up from my lean times over the last two years.

He has reawakened the vision He have me to carry for the rest of my life.

I sat wondering am I just missing home or is the Lord leading me back to Liverpool. To the Wirral specifically.

The answer is both.


The Spirit of God says carry what I have laid on you to that place.

I thought it was over.

The vision to create places of prayer for those who are disillusioned, lost, wayward, outcast even.


God says no.

He says to me this morning in no uncertain terms, 'Go to Merseyside and to the Wirral specifically and pray. I will do the rest.'


A fire starts in my heart.

The passion to help people, to teach people, to release people returns stronger than ever.


I respond to God and say Yeah I am listening.

I am heading home!

The thing is God asks me to write this on my blog today.

The other thing is I have no Idea how it will pan out.

And that's exactly how God intends.

All I know is God asks us to carry on building what he asked us to build. He says ' finish the task. '

We have no money.

We have no house.

We have no specific place to pray.


We have been there before and God has blessed our hands in his work. We have seen miracles and lives changed along the way.

That work will never be finished.


God says he will provide. He will send those to work with us. He will send everything we need to build a praying community, a house of prayer in the Wirral.

The fire is burning.

The passion has returned.

It's real.

So what I ask today is those who know our ministry. Those who have supported us in prayer. That you will pray hard for us. And support is in any other way the Lord directs.

And please pray for me.

I am stronger now than ever. I have been through the worst of times. Yet I am healed and ready.

I'm like a caged lion. Ready to speak. Ready to act. Ready to build again.  Please pray for us. Dawn has been like a rock in a super storm. She has watched me go down and now rise up again. For both of us massive change is a coming. So I truly appeal for your prayers as we start to look towards future days.

Thank you

Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...