Sunday, April 23, 2017

Who is leading you?

Every year I read an old book from start to finish.

It's a book that has had, and continues to have, a big impact on me.

The book inspires me.

It spurs me on.

It teaches me lessons I need to learn.

The book is the Cross and the switchblade by David Wilkerson.

The story of Wilkerson powerful ministry to the notorious gangs of 1950's New York.

This time.

On this year's read through.

My God spoke powerfully into my heart.

I'm about to move to Cheshire.

And I've had all kinds of ideas about how I will continue to minister there.


I couldn't truly see the way forward.


I read about how Wilkerson, when everything seemed lost, when he couldn't get to see seven boys who had brutally murdered a young polio victim in Highbridge Park, New York, felt he had met a massive block seemingly in his way. The authorities wouldn't let him see these boys without the signed permission of every parent. He had no names and addresses. He only had the name from a magazine article of one of the boys.

He needed those names and addresses of parents.


He didn't have them.

He prayed this prayer.

"Lord I have reached the limit of my own humble ideas. If I am on your errand, then you must lead me from now on."

In an astonishing answer to that prayer God led them to pull up and park on a Bronx Street right outside the parents apartment of the boy who's name was revealed in the magazine article.

As I read Wilkerson's prayer today, I realised something. That I too have reached the limit of my humble resources when thinking about my future.

Suddenly a scripture appeared in my head.

"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. " Psalm 119: 105


That was quickly followed by a question.

" Who is leading you Gary?"

Right then?

I had to admit it was me leading me.

Trying to set into motion my humble ideas.


I became gloriously aware that I had to trust God, to lead me forward, to put my faith once again where it might get knocked down.

I got a shiver down my spine.

Letting God lead me instead of me leading me, was incredibly more exciting and sure.

So I prayed the same prayer as Wilkerson's prayed on a New York Street in 1957.

Lord, if I am on your errand, then, you must guide me. I have reached the limit of my humble ideas. Lead me where I must go for I do not know.

Maybe there are people reading this who don't know where to turn next in some situation or even in your life?

Then the message for you this morning is that when we step out on God's promise to be a lamp to our feet, and a light on our path, then doors will open on the way.

Who's leading you?

Forensic Prayer

  I have a fascination with Forensics.   If I were not called to minister, I would have headed into this profession for sure.   Henc...